Sunday, May 18, 2008

Improvements Hold

I have not written in 2 weeks. It has been busy. But Jonathan is doind very well.

It has been 7 1/2 weeks since he finished HBOT and 6 weeks since I stopped the majority of his supplements (including enzymes and herbs). I actually stopped all supplements for 2 weeks. Then, I restarted some supplements.

Because of his high liver enzyme, I decided to give him a break from most supplements and chelation. I added supplements from and removed all the enzymes and herbs. I have kept the mitochondrial cocktail, vitamins and minerals, MB12 shots and cod liver oil. I started him on 6 supplements from on April 25 (Rejuvin, DHLA Nano-Plex, Zeolite Enhanced, PRP-Factor, Glutathione PleoLyposome, and Carnosine). He has reacted very well to these new supplements. I know these are not approved by the DAN! community or Yasko, but I read information about these and decided that Jonathan needed a change to spark improvement. I want to do this for 90 days and then run some tests to see how I can get back to a more "Yasko" type approach.

His improvement in the past 6 weeks has been phenomenal. My father left on vacation for a couple of weeks (just a week after I stopped the supplements) and when he returned he was shocked with the improvement.

The most noticeable is his energy level. He is not tired anymore. Not ever. From school, I have not received a note from his teachers in about 5 weeks and last week his teacher wrote me that he is doing absolutely great. Here is what she said: "He is doing such a fabulous job. He needs very little redirection, if any. He pays attention, participates, and even helps others. He is such an eager learner. I have seen so much growth in him. I can't wait to show you his DRA Word Analysis Assessment. I can already tell that he tested high. 3rd quarter and 4th quarter are proving to be very successful for him."

I credit the majority of his improvement to the HBOT. We noticed in the first 2 sessions that the biggest improvements were noted 6 weeks after he had finished all the dives. But since I started giving him the new supplements, that is when we noticed a huge improvement in energy level, attention, interest, engagement with others, etc.

Today, I opened the car's trunk and a bag of clothes fell out. There was a glass container and I thought it broke. We have been very careful lately with our language not to curse in front of the kids. However, I said the "sh" word. He calmly, from his car seat, said: "no mommy. don't say that word. Say "Oh man!"". That blew my mind. And like that, he is processing input better, he is expressing better, he continues to have little if any sensory problems.

One new thing is that he now has to sleep with a stuffed animal. An animal of his choice that will keep him save from monsters. He has been having night terrors. But the fact that he asks to sleep with a stuffed animal is a huge milestone achievement. He is also telling me that he wants to be with me "forever".

The issues we continue to observe are: (1) expressive language is still difficult. It is hard to describe in words why, and I'll video tape him and add a clip to the blog to keep as a record. But he cannot control his volume, his tone is very flat, and when he speaks in large sentences, his words are sometimes not in the right order and sometimes he speaks and cannot be understood. (2) OCD. He still has obsessions with electronics - phones, video games, digital cameras are his favorites. He is not even playing with the Leapster any more which used to teach him a great deal. Now he grabs our phones and plays with the settings, he plays with the settings of the Nintendo Wii instead of playing with games, he takes pictures and plays with the settings and changes the pictures formats, etc. (3) humming. He still hums quite a bit.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I don't know how you do you research all this stuff and actually understand it!

We started DAN (w/ Dr Megson) about six months ago and my head is still spinning.

You guys are an inspriation to us!