Monday, May 5, 2008

He Is Amazed with the Caterpillar

During this school year, Jonathan has been particularly interested in books about caterpillars. I don't know why, and it has not been an obsession. He simply likes caterpillars.

Today, he saw them in person (no books or pictures) all over the back yard and loved to play with them. He was so happy following them and staring at them really close. He kept saying that they were looking at him. I loved seeing his big happy smile.

He has been doing incredibly well the past week. I made a really big change in his protocol on April 25th, and we are seeing remarkable improvements. My dad came back from his vacation and is amazed at how much he has improved in just 2 weeks. His energy level in particular is high. I will post more about the new protocol soon. I believe the improvements come from a combination of making changes to his supplements along with the improvements that we were expecting from the HBOT. We normally see the dramatic improvements 4 to 6 weeks after we are done. And we are right about there.

For my own record, just want to note that his expressive and receptive languages have improved, but his comprehension and retentive memory has exponentially improved. We had a terrific weekend. He played with everyone, he participated in every family activity, he is even understanding simple jokes. It is awesome.

Other improvements we noted are: he is hardly sucking his thumb and touching his ears when he does; he is not scratching his throat like he has allergies; he is still humming, but less than before.

He is still obsessed with electronic toys and will not play by himself with regular toys. But if other kids or adults are playing, he will play.

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