Saturday, April 19, 2008

4 Weeks After HBOT

This week has been phenomenal. Jonathan has been doing very well at school, he has been very engaged at home, his language is much better, he is much better at reading body language and facial expressions, he is also much better transitioning from activities to different ones.

We went to a party yesterday, and he was happy and social with everyone. He is not the type to invent games, so he stuck to playing with my phone. But one of our friend's come over with his kid and Jonathan really likes playing with him. A. was great and flexible and played along with whatever Jonathan wanted to do.

Today we went to the amusement park, and I was truly amazed to see how well he did. He was a "normal" kid. Had so much fun, was so engaged with the other kids, played all the games, even asked us to get him a sword and played with it.

We had a very fun day with the kids. Here are some pictures.

Anxiously waiting for his turn. No pushing, no strange behaviors. Just stood and observed the ride until it was his turn. When the lady opened the gate, all the kids ran to the helicopter. He wanted that ride also, and noticed that there was another one, so as soon as he saw 2 kids started climbing into one of them, he ran to the other helicopter and when he got there, he turned and yelled at C. and N. to come join him. Another kid got in as well. He had excellent motor planning today.

He loves to drive cars. And C. was so excited to spend time with Jonathan, he wanted to get on all the rides with Jonathan. So they both drove this Jeep twice together.

He loved climbing these rocks and had pretty good balance, but I can tell that he needs to do it more often to gain more confidence.

While Jonathan was with Daddy at a ride that Vanessa cannot get onto (she is not tall enough), she decided to get her face painted.

Jonathan really liked it and decided to get it done also. He picked out the design he wanted.

Vanessa was very proud of her unicorn face :)

We had attempted in a couple of occasions in the past to get Jonathan to get his face painted. But due to his sensory integration problems, he could not tolerated it. Today he amazed us. He did not even move. He sat still and enjoyed every bit of the painting.

This is a great milestone that we have mastered. Sensory Integration dysfunction was the first thing that was diagnosed. No one could even touch this kid he was so sensitive. And now, he can get his face painted. Amazing!!!

He is turning out to be quite independent. He knows how to get his own tokens and will not let me do it. I give him the money, he gets his tokens, put them in his pants' pockets and goes to play. My baby is growing up.

He absolutely loves air hockey.

The improvements are truly amazing. In the 7 hours we were at the park, he did not complain once that he was tired. He actually was full of energy.

On the way home, he spoke to me for about 10 minutes about the solar system, the planets, the earth's core and crest, etc. These are topics that he has been reading in a book at school and he is very curious and likes this subject. After he was done, my husband and I discussed how we know that Jonathan will always be driven to those subjects, math, physics, etc. And I told him that my biggest concern is to get him to speak like a 6 year-old so that he can have a normal life. He will always have his intricacies and passions. But the important thing is that he is almost out of the trenches and we need to fine-tune him so that he has a decent life at school. 3rd grade is very scary to me. I have 2 years to fine-tune his language so that he can survive mainstreamed 3rd grade.

1 comment:

El Pollo said...

Alex, Javier.

Cómo nos alegró a mi y a Michi este ultimo post !

Que gran avance !!!

Poco a poco, un paso para atras y otros dos para adelante...

Por cierto, que bueno que Jonathan se dejo pintar la cara.

Que felicidad !!!

Paciencia muchachos!