Friday, April 11, 2008

A Week with No Supplements

This week has been particularly interesting. As I finished reading the book from Dr. Bryan Jepson, quite a few theories came to my mind. But the one that I decided to investigate more deeply was "mitochondrial disorder". His low muscle tone and excessive tiredness is sending me towards that path. For the past 2 years, Dr. Yasko has kept pointing out that I need to focus on the mitochondrial cocktail. And whenever I give him CoQ10 or Carnitine in higher dosages, his energy level gets better. So I contacted his DAN! doctor and he told me to run some blood work this week along with making an appointment with a specialist. I got the appointment and I am going tomorrow to Quest to get the blood work done.

In order to get a good baseline from his blood work, I stopped giving him all supplements, shots, chelation, probiotics, everything, on Tuesday.

Surprisingly, he has done quite well this week with no supplements. He did very well at school. No negative comments all week. The only problem I saw is that he immediately got constipated.

On Wednesday, he had his Tae Kwon Do Yellow Belt test and did very well. See the video. I am so very proud of him.

Today, we went to see a neurologist who ran an EEG and an attention test to see how Jonathan's brain is doing. She does neurofeedback therapy. I have to admit that I was totally shocked with the results. His attention test shows some attention problems, but what really made me drop my mouth was that his brain activity is extremely high. All around his brain, but particularly in the back right side of the brain, which should be the calmest during a relaxed test. He has so much activity going on that the doctor feels that he is tired because his brain is working too much all the time. Our brains normally use 20 to 25% of energy during a typical day, but Jonathan's brain, if it is the way it was today at 9am, it looks like it needs about 50% to 60% of energy. No wonder why he is tired, she said. He takes everything in. His brain is doing little filtering. However, he has learned very well to control it. She said that she was impressed that given his current brain activity, he was able to do the attention test and get the scores he did. He was below the median, but right within the standard deviation.

So perhaps a combination of both mitochondrial and high brain activity. She told me that he would greatly benefit from the neurofeedback to get even more control of his brain and improve his attention and focus. And she told me to continue with biomed because it is imperative that we get the metals out. The more the merrier.

We went to the movies today to see "Nim's Island", which is a rated G movie, not a cartoon, and he was totally engaged until the last 7 minutes when he didn't see much action going on.

He has been talking a lot this week. Very engaging. Lots of humming. Less toe walking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can u tell us more about neurofeed back thing.Does all the neurologists do this kind of therapy or a specialist?About mitochondria why don't u run a MAP through Amy and see where is he needing more since Map can even tell u more about colostridia, ACAT support and mitochondria supplements.