Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Second Red Mark from School

Jonathan has been a little off this week. I have noticed that when he does not sleep his 9 to 10 hours a day, he has a bad / off day. Well today was again the proof. He went to bed really late last night (sometime after 11pm). My mother was getting ready to leave, Abuita came back from vacation and we were all up and chatting. By the time he went to bed, it was late and he had a really hard time waking up this morning. I could even give him his supplements. He was just that sleepy and I had to leave soon to take my mom to the airport. Daddy stayed, gave Jonathan his supplements and breakfast.

When I got home this evening and checked Jonathan's daily journal, the teacher put a red "unhappy" face for today's behavior and said that Jonathan was off and did not follow his tasks. So I made sure to send him to bed earlier tonight. He went to bed at 8:45pm today. I hope that tomorrow is a better day.

Since his started kindergarten on September 2007, the teacher has only sent 3 notes home regarding his "off" behavior and 2 red "unhappy" faces. Statistically, that is pretty good. But I still felt bad. I need to speak to the new Special Ed teacher (the school reassigned the teachers and we need to meet with Jonathan's new Special Ed teacher). She might be able to give us more insight. I'll also email his teacher.

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