Sunday, October 26, 2008

Minor Regression / Started Swallowing Pills

It has been a few days since I last posted any observations. He seemed to exhibit some minor expressive language improvements, but nothing very dramatic. Last week, we all got home at home. I had a bad cold and his dad had strep throat. On Saturday 10/18/2008, he seemed to exhibit some signs of a cold. But the next day, all symptoms were gone. He has progressively since last Saturday regressed behaviorally. Not too much to be too disruptive, but enough for my husband and I to notice and worry. But what is bothering me is that he is not responding to his name when we talk to him unless we get in his face.

Yesterday he had 2 slides of pizza and his eyes simply looked totally drugged. That is so scary to me because I thought he was over with his insensitivity to gluten, but he is not. In fact, there is something really wrong with his gut. His stools are a mess, the diflucan is not helping and now gluten is affecting him again. Also, the past week he has been overly obsessive about watching a movie (Madagascar) like in the old days. 3 or 4 times a day and melts down if we say no. That to me is strep. He has viruses and bacteria in his body again.

On a positive note, this week he started swallowing pills. I was so worried for years to have him do it (lots of kids start as early as 4 years, but I was not ready to teach him), but lately he could not take the mesh that we make every day with all his pills (we open them into prune baby food). His taste is getting better and with that comes rejecting really nasty stuff. Today he swallowed all but the Vit. C which is very very big. That one we opened into the baby food.

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