Sunday, September 7, 2008

(HBOT 136) - First Week at School

Jonathan had a very successful first week at school. He was energized and happy to go back to school. I had a couple of comments from both the 1st grade teacher and the special ed teacher in charge of his IEP.

1st Grade Teacher:
"I have to tell you that I absolutely adore Jonathan. He is so good natured and he works hard. Any first grade teacher would be impressed by his positive attitude. We are still in our "settling in" mode, but we did do a first writing sample and I was impressed with his effort.

Please give him a pat on the back for me!"

Special Educator:
"Jonathan is having a fantastic first week of school! He has been staying on task and following directions. It seems like Jonathan is smoothly transitioning to the first grade."

This is just the first week, and I know that he will get bored and start to shift if they teacher doesn't keep him challenges and happy. But this is a great start.


Positive - expressive language: His language this weekend had a bit of a twist. He spoke with more complex meaning. On Saturday morning, he came to the bathroom and told me that he wanted to play Playstation. I told him that he could and I asked him if he could turn it on by himself of if he needed help. He said "mommy, I can turn it on by myself, but if I need help, I will come get you, ok?". The "but if" statement is new. That is awesome!!!!.

HBOT - everything is going well. Uneventful. We have already completed 16 dives.

Stool Test - I collected samples to send in for a comprehensive stool analysis. He continues to have very soft (almost watery) stools causing him to have accidents in his underwear. I will send it in tomorrow.

1 comment:

El Pollo said...

Felicitaciones muchachoins !
Eesoo primer grado ! Que lindo !
No desmayen, sigan así con todo ese esfuerzo, amor y pasión.