Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(HBOT 140) Last Dive

Finally, the therapy came to an end. I am going to miss the routine, but I need the break too. 7 weeks of getting home at 8pm and going to bed at midnight has really gotten me tired. I even got a cold (probably because my immune system is really beaten).

The dive was uneventful. Jonathan seemed a bit off today since the morning. He kept telling me in the chamber that he was hungry and wanted me to make him something when we got home. I told him last week "no more McDonald's ever. It makes you fat" and he took it very seriously. I am going to stick to it and try to change his diet. Actually, what prompted that was the book that I am reading (almost done) - Changing the Course of Autism by Dr. Brian Jepson from Thoughtful House - where he stresses the importance of good nutrition in children with autism. Even more important that restrictive diets (like GF/CF and SCD), good organic and minimally processed foods are essential for the recovery and ongoing maintenance of our children. So I have decided to work with a nutritionist. I used to work with a very nice and very knowledgeable nutritionist when I first started biomed 3 years ago. But I think I need someone that concentrates more on the actual foods and cooking. This lady is almost like a DAN! physician. She knows what supplements to recommend and that was very helpful. But I have a DAN! Dr. I have someone in mind and I am going to arrange for a meeting soon. In the meantime, no more fast foods. :)

When we got home, I read Jonathan's report card from school which showed that he needed A LOT OF support today. And in addition, the teacher pointed out that I had not sent him his snack and that he was very upset about it. I felt very bad about it. My poor baby.

She also pointed out a positive remark regarding one of Jonathan's new acquisitions (birthday gift). A wrist watch. He is in heaven now with it and they have been using him to direct events since he learned (on his own) how to setup the timer. She said that it has been a good addition to his daily responsibilities. Let's see when she and the rest of the class start to get crazy with Jonathan's obsessive compulsive behavior with the timer. He is not very flexible when timer says that time is up :)

He ate and watched a bit of TV and went to be relatively early considering the past few weeks.

I have not started him on the suppositories yet. 3 weeks off EDTA and DMPS suppositories and diflucan (anti-fungal). I might start on Friday with the new EDTA. I ordered a new batch from another pharmacy that I know won't hurt him. I am also considering low dose high frequency ALA. I don't know what I am going to do regarding chelation right now. For now, EDTA. I will wait until I do another CBC to make sure his liver enzymes are back to normal and his white blood cells are up to start him on LDM100. And next month we have our appointment with the neurofeedback doctor. I am excited about that.

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