Tuesday, March 18, 2008

(HBOT 114 & 115) Lost of Imaginative Play

Jonathan woke up happy today. He and Vanessa played endlessly this morning while I showered and prepared breakfast. The TV was off all morning and they made up different adventures (Jonathan called Vanessa "honey" and served her food, and took her places - perhaps they were imitating us; they also pretended they were doctors and where helping Vanessa's babies who were very sick, etc). It was great to watch. I have not seen that type of imaginatory game involvement from Jonathan in weeks (months actually).

I took Vanessa to daycare and went to HBOT. We double dived today. 1pm and 6pm.

Jonathan seemed very receptive today. He was not happy that we were going to double dive today. He begged me not to do it.

He guided me to places with the GPS. He dropped it and was a bit upset for a second. I told him that I could not pick it up until we reached a traffic light. He was calm and patient. We drove for about 20 minutes in the highway until we got to a street that had a traffic light. He immediately said "mommy, hurry. Get the GPS. It is on the floor behind me. No, in front of me. The traffic light is red. Hurry".

After the first dive, we went to the dentist to get his third cavity fixed. He was such a trooper. The doctor put the local anesthesia and fixed the tooth is 15 minutes. He was so funny. Since he had already felt his mouth asleep last time, he coped well and even though he did not like it, he did not complain either.

After the second dive, we came home. He setup the GPS to take us home, but the GPS took us via a different route. I kept telling him that it was wrong, and he kept arguing with me that the GPS was right. So I told him the names of the streets that we normally take to go home and he said "ooooooh mommy, you are right. The GPS is wrong. What are we going to do now?" I explained that the route the GPS made us take was also okay, it was just no the same that we normally take. So he called his Dad to tell him that the GPS made a mistake. To me it is such a great improvement that he is able to maintain a simple conversation where he can hear an entire sentence and process it and understand the complexity of his thought and realize that something is different/mistake. This seems simple. Something we all do every day. But it is complex for kids on the spectrum.

When we got home, he and Vanessa played again beautifully. They ate (we got him to eat one piece of tomato) and got them ready for bed.

As I was helping him to brush his teeth, I told him to brush by himself. He replied "mommy, I cannot do it by myself. It is hard for me to brush my teeth". So I told him that that is why he has to practice. He continues to amaze me. His language is evolving little by little so nicely. After he was done, I noticed that he picked the sippy cup with water and put it back on the counter. I asked him if he had drank off it and he said no. I told him that I saw him pick it up and he said "I picked it up but I put right back on the sink. I didn't drink".

It was a really good day. I had to prompt him a bit to change his clothes and get him to eat. But other than that, he was very good.

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