Sunday, February 24, 2008

(HBOT 92, 93, 94, 95, 96) Noticed Tons of Regression

Life has been very hectic lately. I had no time to update the Blog. Jonathan had HBOT Wednesday through today Sunday. But I can't catch up on a daily basis; so I am going to do a summary.

Basically, Jonathan's behavior continues to regress. Javier and I talked about it on Friday when it was most noticeable. I know it is the oxygen. I don't know if it is because it is feeding strep/clostridia, or simply a side effect. He is humming a lot. He keeps obsessing with electronic toys. His new movie is Blue's Clues. His new thing is to open the battery compartment, take the batteries out, play with them in his hand and put them back. I hate obsessions.

His language is doing amazingly better though. His sentences are much much better. He is now more capable of putting the tenses in the right place (present vs. past). He is also using better expressions that don't make him sound so strange. However, when he gets excited, he continues to jargon.

I took him to a lab on Saturday to draw blood for his CBC and Vit. A and Cholesterol test that his DAN! Dr. couldn't do back in January because he was not fasting. He did great. I put the anesthetic cream on his arms and he didn't feel that needle go in. He was fascinated.

Other than the nice improvement on his language and I also noticed that his bowel movements are better formed, I don't see improvements on his hyperactivity, or concentration. As a matter of fact, he cannot focus well if his is not interested.

We'll see what this week brings us.

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