Friday, February 8, 2008

(HBOT 84) Some Nice Language

Jonathan woke up by himself today. The past 3 days, he has been really tired. But today he came to our bed right around 7am. That was surprising.

About 10 minutes later, he went to his room to play with his Mozart CD. His obsession to play with music CDs has returned a bit. I changed him in his room and then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast and lunch bags.

A little later, Jonathan came down saying "Ok, I am here to watch Super Way with you Vanessa". His sentences are getting smoother. He is using some words that I had not noticed before like "instead of".

When we arrived at the chamber in the afternoon, he was a bit hyper but not bad. We were the last to enter the chamber because I got there late. Traffic was bad. Inside the chamber, we watched Sponge Bob. He likes to repeat the script, but he doesn't really pay attention to the words, he just makes sounds like he is talking. That really drives me crazy. The entire time I tried to change his behavior to listen and understand what was going on and stop scripting. That is hard for him. And he enjoys the silliness of the show and could care less what anything means.

Today he was not as hyper as the night before.

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