Jonathan woke up with a soar throat. He complained so much, that I almost drove him to the Dr's office, but his doctor was booked until the afternoon. So I gave him Motrim and sent him to school. I think that he just had discomfort from yesterday's dentist visit.
When I arrived at the HBOT trailer, he was happy and active. I asked him how his throat was, and he said that it was fine. We had an uneventful dive. There was a 4-year-old that wanted to play with him, but he was not very interested. I read a couple of magazines while he watched Scooby-Do.
On the way out, I needed to go to the bathroom. The trailer is parked in the parking lot of a church. I told Jonathan that I had to go potty, and he turned and with a cute voice said "you mommy? you have to go to the bathroom? Can I go with you?". We went to the church and used the family bathroom. He was funny telling me that I had to wash my hands (since I tell him all the time) and then he prepared the paper towel. I used it up, but it was electric and more paper came out. So I told him to leave that there and he said "yes, that is for the next people that use the bathroom". That shocked me. I smiled.
We ran to the car (it was freezing) and inside the car, he asked me to put a CD in the CD changer. I told him that I wanted to hear the iPod instead and he told me which son to put on. Then he told me that there were 9 buttons for the CD changer and that the "zero" was not used for the CD changer. I explained that the CD changer only used the buttons 1 through 6. And that puzzled him. So he kept questioning me why the 7 though 9 were used for, and I told him that they were used for the radio and not the CD changer. He said "UHHHH. The buttons 1 to 6 are used for both radion AND CD changer, but 7 to 9 are used for radio only. What is zero for mommy?" So that conversation went on for a few minutes until he realized that today is Tuesday. He said "mommy, the other day you told me that I can eat McDonald's Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only. Today is Tuesday. I want McDonald's." I did tell him that last Thursday.
It amazes me how he can link things in his head lately more than ever before, yet he cannot find his Jacket or shoes staring right at him.
Today his DAN! Dr. gave me some of the results from last week's urine porphyrins french test. The Dr's message said "I am delighted with the results". Honestly, so am I. When I did the first test last year, the results indicated "marked mercury toxicity". And I had been doing 1.5 years of transdermal chelation. I was very disappointed back then. During 2007, we were very aggressive, from Valtrex (antiviral), to suppositories (chelators), to HBOT, etc. And I do feel that it has paid off. The results dropped dramatically and I can see it in his improvements too. The markers for 2 of the items are still pretty high, but one is almost half what it was last year and the other one is almost 1/3. We will continue to chelate and do HBOT and other biomedical interventions this year, focusing on the gut/yeast/bacteria/viral detox in addition to metal detox.
Here are the results of his French Porphyrin test results:
| Range | Results | Results |
| 12/21/2006 | 2/11/2008 |
uP | 7 - 14 | 12 | 15
7cxP | 1.5 - 3.5 | 3.3 | 2.9
6cxP | 0.4 - 0.8 | 1.4 | 1.6
5cxP | 1.0 - 2.9 | 8.1 | 2.8** |
prcP | 2 - 5 | 24.8 | 14 |
cP | 50 - 90 | 471 | 194 |
Creatinine |
| 1072 mg/l | 960 mg/l
PreCOP Ratio | 0.3 - 0.6 | 2.04 | 0.94 |
** Still high but within range
Mercury Toxicity: High levels of 5cxP, prcP and cP
Jonathan still fits this profile, but has improved dramatically.
Autism: High levels of 6cxP, 5cxP, prcP and cP
Jonathan slightly fits this profile. His 6cxP and 5cxP are just a bit high. To some it may not be considered high.
Lead Toxicity:
High levels uP and cP
Jonathan still fits this profile.
Aluminum Toxicity:
High levels uP
Jonathan still fits this profile.
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda:
High levels uP and 7cxP
Jonathan does NOT fit this profile