Friday, July 27, 2007

Still Reacts Badly to Mosquito Bytes

This week has been brutal at work. I have not had time to sit and write about Jonathan. But he continues to show natural progression in his development. No big "wow"s, but that is to be expected. I have not changed his supplements, and he has not started any major therapies. He starts HBOT again next Thursday.

What I wanted to write about is more on the negative things that I am seeing so I have a log.
  • Still allergic to Mosquito Bytes: Jonathan is the only person that I know that reacts very badly to mosquito bytes. Other people have a bad reaction, but Jonathan's body part that was bitten gets very swollen (deformed) and local fever. He has 2 mosquito bytes last night, and today one of the legs really hurts him it is so swollen. I thought that this had gotten better, but it seems not.

  • Very yellow urine: his urine the past couple of weeks has been bright yellow, even at night. That is normal a few hours after I give the B-Complex vitamin. But it always cleared up as the day went by. We are financially too tight right not to run the 3 typical urine tests (Urine Amino Acids, Urine Toxic Metal, Metabolic Analysis Test). The insurance is not covering much.

  • Moves constantly: he seems to have an aggravated problem organizing his body in space. One of the areas he has trouble with is regulating sensory input. From the beginning, he was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Sensory integration (SI) is the process of receiving, organizing, and interpreting input, becoming the basis for motor planning, learning and behavior. When this process is disorganized, it is called Sensory Integration Dysfunction. The best therapies to address SI Dysfunction are Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy, Auditory Processing and others. He has received numerous hours in each of these and hence his improvement in this area. However, this continues to be a huge problem for Jonathan. We currently stopped all OT, PT and Auditory Processing therapies to invest on HBOT. I will enroll him again in OT and PT in the Winter time.

  • Very loud: this may be a problem similar to the one described above. He has trouble regulating his tone of voice, the volume and the excitement that he uses. He constantly speaks very loudly (screams) when communicating and I have to remind him to speak softly.

  • Back to numbers: Jonathan has a true love for numbers. It is a big strength. Might the the part of his brain that is over-developing. He got a new Leapster cartridge last week called "Numbers on the Run" and he now knows how to add and subtract. And all he talks about is adding and subtracting. I am now restricting the use of electronic toys as I want him to play with his imagination more.

  • Very picky eater: I am not sure how to address this one issue, but he is really packing pounds because he eats a lot (and I mean A LOT) of things that he likes and does not eat healthy items like vegetable, more variety of fruits and other types of foods. He is a pizza/spaghetti/chicken and rice kind of kid. I hate it and I don't know how to teach him to eat other types of foods.
On the positive side, he had a great play day with Vanessa. This morning they opened up about 8 little bottles of playdough and played pretend that they were making chicken nuggets, the put them in their kitchen, cooked them, then sat at the table and ate them.

We went to the shopping mall, and they both got their haircut. It is always a good measuring point for me to assess how well Jonathan is progressing. Today he had the best day ever, yet he still has sensory problems. He was very compliant (as long as I was there holding his hand) and let the lady cut his hair with scissors without moving. When came time for the clipper, he freaked out a bit, but she showed him and he did it fine. He arched quite a bit and told me that his back tickled. So it is nice to know how he actually feels. He definitely still has some major SI regulatory issues. He regulated it well (did not scream or ran out) and she finished the job great.

This evening they played with cards and with a magnet puzzle. It was very cute to see them play together.

1 comment:

El Pollo said...

Hola chicos,

Trata con frutas. Tal vez puedas quitarle el arroz un poco, pero le metes una fruta o jugo despues del almuerzo o cena...

No sabía que Jonathan era alérgico a los mosquitos.
