Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Improvements Since December

Even though Jonathan had difficulties at school during the first 3 weeks of January 2007, he actually had a tremendous developmental improvement during the past 2 months.

The biggest breakthrough is amount of complex pretend that he has developed playing with Vanessa. His imagination is taken off. They play with the kitchen where they cook and eat, they feed themselves, and us, animals and babies. They pretend they are going to school and Mommy is one of the teachers and Daddy is the other teacher. Jonathan knows the names of the 3 schools he goes to and pretends he goes from one school to another. He also pretends he is Dad and he is going to work. They love the movie Monster House and now pretend that a robber house that they have is the Monster House and they feed the house. It is quite remarkable to see them come up with ideas.

The other great improvement is his ability to tie events together in his mind. He is now able to tell me what he ate today, what school he went to, and even what games he played and what stories he read. He really liked reading "Peter and the Wolf" last week and asked us to go to the Bookstore on Saturday to get it for him. That is a complex motor planning thought :) .

I stopped the Strep herbs for about 3 weeks and I believe that the Strep returned. He had eased up on the obsessions but they returned (specially with playing music CDs). This week he is playing more than being obsessive. I started giving the herbs again 2.5 weeks ago. Nonetheless, there are many areas where there is still a lot of work: expressive language is still at about 3 years old (he will be 5 in 1 month), imagination is still at about 2 years, social skills is an issue, his receptive language is also at about 3 years old, and he is starting to show ADD trends.

Besides the EDTA suppositories, I also started a new chelation therapy: DMPS suppositories. So far I have given him 3. I can see great cognitive improvements the day after. I want to be more aggressive with chelation therapies, but I am terrified of IV chelation. I also started giving him the Methyl B12 shots along with the Nasal spray. I did an Amino Acids urine test and a urine toxic metal test but have not received the results yet.

1 comment:

El Pollo said...

Muchachos, me parece muy bueno su blog. No saben lo importante que es educar a las personas. Muchos podrán encontrar aquí un poco de fé y esperanza al autismo.

Un abrazo
