Jonathan had a major set back in January. In order to re-arrange his daily activities so I could start my new job, I worked with his current daycare to change his schedule from half days to full days. In doing that, I changed his morning Pre-School classroom to another room full of 5 year-old children (25 of them). Jonathan the first few days was confused but tried to cope. The second week he was not very happy to go to school but did not complain much. The third week he had a meltdown. He told me that he was scared of going to school. That he was "different". And other comments. I spoke with his shadow therapist and she told me that Jonathan had completely regressed emotionally and socially in that room. I spoke with his afternoon public school teacher and she said that Jonathan had been very sad since the beginning of the year. I went back to the daycare and talked to them about changing Jonathan to a room with younger children (ages 3.5 to 4). The week we did that, he completely changed and started enjoying going to school again.
I am concerned because I am not sure that he is ready for Kindergarden. The County is going to do a full assessment this month to see what kind of services Jonathan is eligible for. We are thinking about holding him back 1 year, so he would repeat preschool this September and go to Kindergarden when he is 6. We have to find a full-day private preschool that accepts children with high functioning autism.

Jonathan was selected to be part of NAA's 2007 Calendar. His picture was selected to symbolize "Hope" at the end of 2007 (December 2007). Let's pray for a miracle!
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