It has been a week since I posted. I was very very disappointed with Jonathan's regression. And it got even worse when I re-introduced Valtrex on Thursday February 22, 2007. On Saturday Jonathan started humming again and his
obsession with the CDs got out of control. I know it is due to detox (both viral and metals), but boy is it hard to re-live.
Today he had a great day though. When he woke up, he already knew it was Monday and it was school day. So he did not even approach his music CDs. In the morning, he came down and told me he wanted breakfast and then had an argument with his Dad because he did not want to watch TV, but rather he wanted a DVD. He said: "Dad, I don't like TV. I want a movie in the DVD. Got it?". He is saying "got it?" to us a lot.
His OT was very happy today to
see him play with other kids. She introduced him to a high functioning 7 y.o. and Jonathan started leading the play. When he got home, he and his sister went out to play with the snow. Yesterday he cried because he did not want to touch the snow. Today, he did not want to come in the house.
My big "wow" for the week is the fact that he learned an abstract concept and I don't know how or when. But last week he didn't understand it. He learned that when he is playing video games (
PlayStation), he is not supposed to die. The past month, we introduced
PlayStation to him because a couple of kids in the
neighborhood he plays with were making fun of him because he could not play. He is great with video games. He has several kiddy ones like Leapster and others and he can play like a
professional. But PlayStation was different. In a month he has gotten really good (he already reached level 4 of one rather hard Disney game). But he loved to get killed. Within the past 24 hours he learned that dying is actually not good, so in a manner of survival, he reached level 4 in just a day. Today he came to me and said: "mommy, help me please with level 4. It is hard and it is scary. I don't want to die. Please help me play". Yes, he used that much language :)
Regressive Behavior in the past week:
- Paying with music CDs for hours - this includes playing the CDs in every CD or DVD player in the house (4), in every computer (3), opening/closing the devices, fast forwarding, etc.
- More tired than usual
- Humming
- Mild hyperactivity
- Some sensory issues - especially touch
Improved Behavior in the past week:
- Better abstract thinking
- Better organization of sentences - more conversational language
- Feels a bit more pain when he gets hit than usual
- Lying :) - if I tell him no, he says that his dad said yes