Sunday, October 14, 2012

First Pumpkin

Today is the first time that Jonathan ever picked his own pumpkin and carved it himself.  I helped him a bit, and he really hated getting the pulp out, but he did it.  Great milestone.  Every year I tried, but he never seemed interested.  We went to our friends' house yesterday and their kids were carving a pumpkin and Jonathan got excited about it. So I decided to explore that today and was happily surprised.  It was a fun afternoon.  Everything he did and I captured in pictures were completely spontaneous behaviors. 

 His sister hates it when he does the bunny ears :)  She didn't even know.

 Hated taking the pulp out, but eventually he did.

 He enjoyed carving the pumpkin

 He carved 2 ghosts.  Booooo

Great pumpkins

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