Sunday, August 3, 2008

Busy but Fun Weekend

This weekend we were very busy. Spent all day out. On Saturday, we started by going very early to the shopping mall to get daddy an iPhone. Jonathan loves electronics and he was very excited to help daddy pick out all the accessories. After that, we went to the movies to see Flying to the Moon preview. Vanessa got very bored. But Jonathan loved it and was totally into it. He really liked the astronauts. After the movie was over, we went to eat lunch. Both kids wanted to go to the pool, but since we had just eaten lunch, we first went to Walmart to get the school supplies (that was very stressful - too crowded) and then we headed to the pool. We spent almost 2.5 hours at the pool and the kids loved every minute of it. Here is a 5 minute long video. They are starting to learn how to swim. They want to take lessons, which actually start September 7th.

Today, we had a birthday party at 10am at a moonbounce type place. The kids loved every minute. They played for 1.5 hours (and daddy joined them - I didn't have socks. That is why I didn't join them) and after that, they had pizza and cake. I wasn't too excited about all the gluten he ate, but I don't want to make him feel different since it is not hurting him nearly as much as it used to. Watch a short video below. I am into videos now because the kids love to watch them on TV after we take them. So I am going to start recording more often. After the party, we went to my cousin's house for an early dinner. The kids were very well behaved. I didn't have my camera with me to take pictures there unfortunately.

I am concerned that Jonathan's stools are softer day after day. This week he even had diarrhea and so did Vanessa (sorry to be graphic, but I want to log this because stool analysis is critical to the recovery process. They tell what is going on in the gut which is one of the main areas we target in biomedical interventions). I am going to stop by the Apothecary tomorrow and purchase strong probiotics (VSL #3) and start them on that (1 capsule for Jonathan and 1/2 for Vanessa). I am going to order a comprehensive stool test kit for Jonathan from his DAN! doctor. If Vanessa's stools don't get better (they are green - very strange), I'll ask her pediatrician to do a stool analysis before I order the same one I order for Jonathan.

I re-started Jonathan on DMPS suppositories yesterday (August 2, 2008).

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