Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Fun Day with The Kids

Jonathan woke up at 6am today ready to play Nintendo Wii. Since he is only allowed to play electronics on the weekends, he dreams about Saturday mornings. In fact, he told us last night "I want to go to bed early because I want Saturday to come quickly". He tried to get both Daddy and me up but he was not very successful. We were tired. So at 7am, he went downstairs to play on his own (he did ask his Daddy first if he could). By the time I made it downstairs (8am), he was done playing with the Nintendo Wii and transitioned to the Leapster toy. I was glad to see that.

At 10:30am, the kids had their Tae Kwon Do belt ceremony. We thought it was going to be a quick ceremony, but it turned out to be over an hour. Jonathan has received 3 belts already but this is the first time that the Master does an actual ceremony. So we did not really know what to expect. We had to leave early because Daddy had to go take a test for his Master's Degree application form, and missed the end. One thing I liked very much today was that when I moved to another spot and Vanessa could not see me, she got a bit anxious and went to Jonathan to have him find me (there were tons of people). Jonathan did and brought Vanessa along with him, and told me "here mommy, Vanessa was looking for you. I am going to sit down again". He is always so worried about her and looking after her. The other thing that I liked (although it broke my heart that I couldn't do it) is that towards the end, the Master told all the kids (by belt color) to have their moms go to the front to break a piece of wood. I was in the bathroom with Vanessa and Jonathan started crying looking for me. When I came out, some Dad was with him helping him look for me. When I asked him why he was crying, he told me "because I was looking for you. You need to go break the piece of wood. All the other moms are there breaking the piece of wood." I told him that I couldn't because we had to go. He calmed down and we left. The fact that he notices that everyone else's moms are out there and I need to do it too is great. He did something similar a couple of weeks about about the umbrella.

The kids that received belts today

The Master called Jonathan's name. He quickly stood up and ran towards the front.

The Master called Vanessa's name. She was so proud of herself.

After Tae Kwon Do, Daddy went to take his test and we went to eat lunch and then to a recreation center so they could play in an indoor pool for a while. They had a blast. Actually, I really enjoyed being out there with them. It has been getting easier for me to be with both lately, but this was a total test. We went to a local Diner and spent about 45 minutes there. The kids were great, behaved very well, ate all their foods and we all played with books and stickers (and Jonathan played with the Leapster when he got bored with the other stuff). After that, we went to the pool. They were very well behaved, stayed in the kiddy area so I wouldn't have to worry sick that one could drown. It was a great afternoon. We spent 2 hours at the pool.

They discovered the world of "Shakes" and drank my entire chocolate shake

At the Pool

Vanessa is the one with a one-piece white bathing suite with color polka dots. Jonathan has a blue bathing suit with light blue vertical stripes on the side.


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I'm glad they're enjoying the lessons!

Alex & Javier said...

Hey Sarah! They really are! Thanks.