Friday, September 15, 2006

3 schools for Jonathan!

OK, it's official! Jonathan is going to 3 different schools this year. First, the Elementary School Monday to Friday in the afternoons. This is a special programs for kids with learning disabilities and he is doing great!

Tuesdays and Thursdays he goes to the new daycare with his "shadow" (ABA Therapist). She told us that she is very happy with the activities and attention they provide for Jonathan and that it will be very beneficial.

Finally on Wednesdays and Fridays he goes to the S.M.I.L.E. program at the GMS Institute in Manassas ( which is great for physical and sensory activities. He loves it!

1 comment:

El Pollo said...

Chamos donde esta la informacion para las personas que esten pasando por lo mismo?
Este blog no se deberia llamar "Curando el autismo", sino El blog de Jonathan ! ;)

Por cierto puse una reseƱa a un mail que envio Alex, hace tiempo porque unas personas a las que se los mande en aquel entonces me lo volvieron a pedir.

Vaya a http:\\