Jonathan is now taller than me. He is 5’5” tall and weighs about 130lbs. He looks thin and older. He will be 13 soon. Amazing how much has happened in the past 10
years. He made new friends in his new
school and he is genuinely happy. He is
no longer doing Tae Kwon Do or Baseball.
The school commitment is so much more stressful, that he cannot spend
more than 2 nights a week out. He is
attending Spanish lessons and he goes to an Athletic Performance training that
keeps him in shape. His passion is still
video games J L.
Regarding biomedicine, he still takes about 30 pills a day.
But we no longer do any special therapy or major biomedical therapy. Because he does have ADHD now, in addition to
his autism, he takes Concerta to help him focus. I really would like to get back into proper
research to help him overcome ADHD without Concerta, but my job schedule and extra-curricular
activities does not give me time. I am
also 10 years older and do not have the same energy level. I stay as current as possibly by helping
others, but not deep enough to help Jonathan further. He is very high functioning and the therapies
that I research for the younger kids that are more severe, do not apply to him
anymore except for the supplements he continues to take to bypass his
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