Thursday, April 9, 2009

Still Mercury - Change of Protocols

It has been a while since I last wrote a post. For the past few months I felt very lost with regards to Jonathan's recovery program. He reached a plateau a few months ago and I was sad and frustrated because I, for the first time in 4 years, didn't have a plan. I was hanging on a thing threat with respect to the neurofeedback and I wholeheartedly think that it has helped him, but it is not enough. It is not the "missing link(s)". That somehow has changed in the past week, so I am back on.

Last week, we ran his urine porphyrin again, and it came back with a high mercury toxicity read. It frustrates me that after 4 years of biomed, the mercury toxicity still shows so high.

The first urine porphyrin showed very high levels of mercury, aluminum and lead. We then implemented the Yasko protocol and the levels dropped down to half. It was very encouraging. However, the protocol required additional detox and we could not afford the metals program along with the HBOT. So we chose HBOT and the Yasko supplements, but used suppositories instead to chelate rather then Yasko's metal program. 1.5 years later, the level of toxicity has minimally dropped. That is frustrating. What a waste of time.

Last month, I learned about an energy reader device called Zyto. I decided to have Jonathan do the hand test, and it showed that he has a lot of mercury, that he is a vaccine injured child as his body reacted very badly to the Hepatitis-B vaccine (which I have been saying for the past 4.5 year), the rubella, varicella and flu shots. Vaccine is the major cause of his autism. It infuriated me, but I already knew that. So life goes on. It showed huge amounts of candida as well as strep. Although I thought I had eradicated his gut strep, it seems like he has strep in other areas of his body, including his middle ear and brain. I finally learned that the annoying throat scratch sound he makes is a throat clearing tic from strep in his brain. He seems to have a slight low dopamine issue which we knew from Yasko's mutations and a pituitary problem.

So in an effort to shake things up a bit, I made the decision to do homeopathy along with the Yasko supplements to bypass his methylation mutations and the low dose high frequency chelation protocol from Andy Cutler using DMSA and ALA. Even though Jonathan has a +/- CBS upregulation problem (which causes high levels of ammonia and some intolerance to sulfur), since he doesn't have the SOUX mutation, I have decide to give the Andy Cutler protocol a try. It is pretty much one of the only popular chelation protocols I have not tried. And I am trying to leave IV chelation as a last resort.

I know nothing, absolutely nothing, about how homeopathy works. But many people swear by it and from my conversation with the Zyto practitioner, he indicated that there are certain areas in the body that only homeopathy has a good change of reaching to. There is nothing I can lose and much I can gain. So I am going to give it a shot.

I will log the homeopathy and Andy Cutler rounds weekly and include anecdotes on improvements and regressions so I can keep a log.


5 products:

- Pk - AILGENO (oral drops)
- Pk - apo-INFEKT (oral drops)
- Pk - NEU-regen (oral drops)
- St - SyAllgen (tablets)
- St - SyDetox Complex (oral drops)

The protocol is as follows:
  • Day one:
    Pk - AILGENO - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 5 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet (on back-order) once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 5 drops twice a day

  • Day three:
    Pk - AILGENO - 10 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 10 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 10 drops twice a day

  • Day Seven:
    Pk - AILGENO - 20 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 20 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 20 drops twice a day
  • On day 35, we will do the Zyto test again

Andy Cutler's Chelation Procotol:

Chelation agent(s): DMSA + ALA

Dose frequency: DMSA + ALA (together): every 3 hours, including at night.

  • DMSA (alone or in combination with ALA): 1/8 to 1/2 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight, per dose
  • ALA (alone or in combination with DMSA): 1/8 to 1/2 mg of ALA per pound of body weight, per dose

Ratio of DMSA to ALA (if using both): A 2:1 ratio for the first 4 weeks. 1:1 ratio after.

Length of cycles: 3 days on, 4 days off.
  • Friday after school until Monday morning = 2.6 days.
  • B complex, C and magnesium should be given 4 times a day. The B and C are not effective if not given 4 times a day due to their pharmacokinetics.
  • Zinc, E, carotenes, etc. at least daily.
  • Yasko supplements for body support, mitochondrial cocktail and methylation mutaiton by-pass.

Jonathans' weight: 71 lbs

Chelator Date Dosage
Dosage Per interval # of Dosages
DMSA Dosage 4/10-4/13 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/10-4/13 1/8 9 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 4/17-4/20 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/17-4/20 1/8 9 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 4/24-4/27 1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/24-4/27 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 5/1-5/3
1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 5/1-5/3
1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 5/8 - on
1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 5/8 - on 1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

After 5/8/2009, same dosage for 6 months and I will do another urine porphyrin test to check progress.

1 comment:

Aven Norfleet said...

Hi my name is Aven.I too have a son with autism and is in recovery 7 years old and mainstream with an aide. continuing to progress daily. We have been thru the Homeopathy and saw TREMENDOUS gains in skills especially with his writing.. but it seemed just like with your son that it tapered off and reached a plateau. I am in the middle of just trying chlorella to see how he responds and see how it goes. I would love to talk with you and alex just to know that im not alone... thanks and I wish you good luck in the recovery of your kid.