Listening Program (new Tomatis) Therapy started on 08/18/08 for 10 days:
In trying to continue to help Jonathan improve his skills and recover from autistic symptoms such as language delay, flat voice and some verbal stims, we decided to do another loop of auditory processing therapy. He did 7 loops 3 years ago. Each loop was 8 days with a 2 month break.
This therapy is a bit different and it is targeting his areas of concerns. It also runs for 10 days and his next session (or re-evaluation) would be in 6 months. He has had 3 sessions already. The therapists are giving positive feedback. However, it is hard to tell if it is helping. As any therapy, we need to wait a few days or weeks after it is over to see results.
HBOT Days 121 and 122
We are back to Hyperbarics Oxygen Therapy. It was a last minute decision based on our frustration from our meeting with Children's Hospital, our rush against time, and our continued drive to recover Jonathan. HBOT has been a critical, almost miraculous, therapy for Jonathan and I wanted to do another set now before he starts 1st grade. The sessions will end October 3rd or 4th, a month after school starts, but the potential benefit a month later is huge.
We are rushing against time. Pragmatics is a problem and although I want to do neurofeedback, something deep inside tells me that I need to do this set of HBOT and Tomatis now and leave neurofeedback to next year. It is a hunch, but I need to follow my instincts. Besides, there is only so much that we can afford.
He has been doing fine. He is a veteran, so we just go in, watch a movie and leave. No problems with ears, or behaviors.
We took Jonathan on Saturday to Quest Labs to get some blood work done (CBC, Vit D, Vit A, Cholesterol and a couple more) His DAN! Dr. communicated with me yesterday to let me know that he only received one test result and believes that Quest did not do the other ones. I am going on Saturday to find out what happened.
However, his DAN! Dr. told me that his SGOT and Alkaline Phosphatase were both elevated which is more likely caused by a growth spurt than an actual liver function abnormality. Other liver functions, especially the SGPT, were normal.
Since we started DMPS and EDTA suppositories again, knowing if the liver is functioning well and normally is critical.
Jonathan's stools keep getting worse despite giving him Candex and VSL #3 (the strongest probiotics I have ever given him - 225 billion microorganism). I sent a note to his DAN! to get a CDSA test kit to find out what else he has in his gut. This is worrying me.
The only other item I want to note is that Jonathan's humming has turned into a high pitched noise. He is constantly making it and at times I notice that he hums a bit and then he makes the noise. It is driving me crazy. Humming did not seem as odd and autistic as the high pitched voice. I will record him to keep audio record of this. I don't know why he is doing this. It started last week. The only new thing is EDTA and DMPS on 08/04/08.
Can you explain Tomatis to me. How many hours per day does he do it? Using headphones? And if so, will he be able to use regular headphones later in life? I heard that one of the auditory therapies tells you not to use headphones afterwards (ever) b/c it will undo the treatment...???
Hi! We are 60 hours into soft chamber HBOT at 4psi. Wondering when we will start to really see improvements with our four year old nonverbal twins. How long did it take until you started to see improvements and are you doing hard HBOT or MHBOT?
Hi Dana,
I don't know anything about soft chambers, so I cannot compare. We used a hard chamber that can do 1.75 ATAs.
We notice subtle improvements while in the chamber but the more dramatic improvements come about 4 weeks after we are done.
Take care.
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