Today Jonathan was in a very good mood, from the moment he woke up to the moment he went to bed. When I got home, he came to give me a hug. I had not even approached him to say hi, and he came and hugged me gently and said hi. That was a very nice welcome.
He has been very interested in activities lately. Activities that are not necessarily related to electronic toys. He wants to play all the time. Yesterday, he pretended that he was a wizard and converted me into a pig, then told Vanessa that she was a witch and Vanessa converted him into a frog. Then he pretended that he needed a vial to get back to normal. Today, when I got home, he wanted to play in the backyard with Vanessa. They went outside to play for almost an hour. He then ate dinner and asked me if he could play a little bit of playstation. Even though he can now reach to put the CDs in the device, he asks first. That is very reassuring.
I started him on melatonin tonight. Just 1 mg. Let's see how that goes. I think that is the last piece I needed to implement for the Vitamin K protocol. I read 2 days ago that Yasko feels that children with the ACAT mutation may suffer from high oxalates. She recommends vitamin K2 among other things. Not as high as the ones I am following, but she already figured it out. Although I have not done the last set of mutation test, Yasko believes that Jonathan has the ACAT mutation based on test results. She has made comments in 3 of his tests results. So I feel that the high vitamin K protocol is another piece to Jonathan's big puzzle.
Here are some pictures from tonight's evening play at the playground:
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